Our People

With more than 100 years of combined experience, our team of professionals offers a broad range of knowledge and practical experience gained through various non-profit and government work, as well as academic training. DGI staff members are recognized as leaders in our field and are preeminently qualified to lead our clients through the difficult task of developing affordable housing and other community assets in today's politically challenging and subsidy-scarce environment.


Chan U Lee
President and CEO, Chairwoman

(510) 925-3994


Ms. Lee has worked with public agencies and nonprofit organizations for more than twenty years and is well versed in all aspects of affordable housing financing and structuring, including tax exempt bond and tax credit regulations, as well as the financial structuring of mixed income and public housing revitalization. Ms. Lee brings to her work a passion for justice, a dedication to assisting disadvantaged communities and finely honed technical skills.

At Devine and Gong, Ms. Lee is actively involved in the multi-phase Hunters View Public Housing revitalization. She has also been the lead financial consultant for the development of the award-winning Holly Park, High Point, and Rainier Vista HOPE VI communities. She has also been instrumental in the preservation of Kukui Gardens in Honolulu, HI, the largest preservation project in the country. She is on the Community Advisory Council of the Federal Reserve Board as well as the advisory boards of Oakland Lacrosse, the Kelsey, Oakland Roots and EAH, Inc. She is also a board member of Mid-Peninsula Housing.

Ms. Lee holds a master's degree in Public Policy from the Goldman School of Public Policy, University of California at Berkeley and a bachelor's degree in Government from Harvard-Radcliffe.


Candy Rupp
Senior Associate

(510) 925-3996


Ms. Rupp has been with Devine & Gong, Inc. since 2000. As a Senior Associate, she provides technical assistance and support to nonprofit and local government entities in the development and financing of affordable housing and community facilities. Candy has particular expertise in structuring financing packages for projects using Low Income Housing Tax Credits, tax-exempt bonds, HUD/FHA, Section 8 project-based assistance, Federal Home Loan Bank Affordable Housing Program, local HOME and CDBG programs, and other publicly sponsored development financing programs. While at Devine & Gong, Ms. Rupp has closed transaction representing thousands of affordable housing units, and supported multiple community development facilities serving families, seniors, homeless persons, and other special needs populations.

Prior to joining DGI, Candy was the Program Director for the Local Initiatives Support Corporation (LISC), a national nonprofit intermediary, the Executive Director of Los Angeles’ Skid Row Housing Trust, a nonprofit developer targeting homeless and special needs populations in Los Angeles’ Skid Row, and the Housing Program Manager for the City of Santa Monica.

Ms. Rupp holds a master's degree in City and Regional Planning from University of California at Berkeley and a bachelor's degree in Political Science (emphasis on Urban Studies and Law) from California State University at Fullerton.


Andrew Buhrmann

Senior Associate

(510) 925-3995


Mr. Buhrmann has experience with affordable housing advocacy and policy work at the local, state and federal levels. While working for the Non-Profit Housing Association of Northern California (NPH), he helped to develop and coordinate trainings and events aimed at building the capacity of the Bay Area affordable housing community, while supporting critical advocacy efforts during trying times.

Mr. Buhrmann supports multiple projects at various stages in their development and utilizing varying financing structures. He is experienced with tax-exempt bond and tax-credit transactions, as well as deals involving HUD financing, including the Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) program, having closed the first RAD deal in San Francisco. Additionally, Mr. Buhrmann is a founding member of the Emerging Leaders Peer Network, a group which fosters growth and leadership amongst a cohort of affordable housing advocates and practitioners dedicated to furthering the future of affordable housing. He holds a bachelor's degree in Political Science from California State University, East Bay.


Rick Devine

Chairman Emeritus

(510) 925-3993


With 35 years of real estate finance and development experience, Mr. Devine has worked on a wide range of housing projects throughout the country, including complex syndications and innovative tax-exempt bond structures. Throughout his career, he has worked closely with many city and state governments, housing authorities, and a variety of private and non-profit housing development corporations. In addition, Mr. Devine has written numerous articles and books on housing issues and was instrumental in the creation of the National Urban League Housing Development Foundation. He also has provided expert witness services in litigation related to real estate transactions, including testimony in proceedings heard in the Superior Courts of San Francisco and Alameda Counties.

Mr. Devine holds a Ph.D in Land Economics and Real Estate, as well as a master's degree in Urban Planning, from New York University. He earned his bachelor's degree in Economics and History from City University of New York. He has been a member and an officer of several Boards of Directors, including The Low Income Housing Fund, California Community Reinvestment Corporation, California Reinvestment Committee, and the Bank of America Community Development Bank.